Stormy Times Ahead?

We had some great storms move across much of NE NSW and SE QLD last Thursday – as forecast by the models. Worth checking out the lightning strikes for the day – we’re under there somewhere!

We then had more storms move through on Monday with a storm moving across our region from NW to SE – against the general flow of storms for the day. Not as much lighting with this one:

Took a photo from the centre of town as it moved across – though there’s a heap better than this one out there!

Looking ahead and we’ve got more stormy days to come (kicking off with the next change to roll through over Friday and Saturday), with the chance of some wetter weather mixed amongst the changes if things line up. The 6 week outlook shows slightly wetter conditions over the coming 7 days but then an increase in totals looking likely over the following weeks:

…and the ECMWF forecast totals for the next 6 weeks also look fairly damp – though worth flagging that these models runs are only an indication of what is likely and shouldn’t be taken as a direct forecast:

One component adding to the totals is the much warmer water now flowing down the East Australia Current and into our part of the world:

Watch those humidity levels increase with onshore winds. I’ll post again as and when we head into any particularly stormy / wet changes, but in the meantime worth being aware of the wetter weather likely at times. In the meantime enjoy the sunnier breaks between the changes, and be aware of the increasing heat likely to kick in (briefly) as it quickly warms up inland!

Images thanks to BoM / Meteologix / Bello Weather

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