This page shows a summary of recent rainfall across our region.

The images below show recent rainfall totals across the Mid North Coast of NSW from the Bureau of Meteorology and recent rainfall graphs courtesy of the Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.. The colour of the dots on the BoM maps equates to the amount of rainfall received in the period specified. For full clickable recent rainfall data visit the BoM Flood Warning Centre site.

This chart gives a good indication of how much rain fell in the 24 hours up until 9am.

Rainfall Since 9am

This chart shows how much rain has fallen since 9am.

Rainfall in the Last Hour

This chart shows how much rain has fallen in the last hour. Many stations do not report hourly so you will notice there is less data on this image.

For more information about any information on this page please visit the BoM Flood Warning Centre.

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