Welcome to Bellingen Weather.

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2, and these pages are updated every 2 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at 9 am.

Most of the data used on this site comes from a station located close to Kombu Wholefoods in central Bellingen. Other information on this site includes live river and rainfall data and likely flood levels. To watch a range of river flood cams visit here. Click on the Weather News tab above for the latest local weather information.

The air quality tab below shows the Australian Air Quality Index from an air monitoring station located at Kombu Wholefoods. To understand what the numbers mean head to this page. You can also view the air quality data on the Trends page via a handy graph. Note that the figures used on that page are raw data rather than the Australian AQI. 

Sat, 27/07/2024
Lat S 30° 30' 00" | Long E 152° 52' 59" | Elevation 15 m

weather summary



Rainfall Since 9am

0.0 mm

The air monitoring station is located at Kombu Wholefoods in Bellingen and uses the Australian Air Quality Index. More information on the Air Quality Index – and actions you should take at different levels can be found here

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